Interview of Author JoAnne Myers plus #4FunFacts

Please welcome JoAnne Myers, author of Flagitious, a collection of crime and mystery stories. Joanne has generously offered to award two people who comment each a print book of their choice.

Flatitious coverBlurbs for Flagitious:

To Solve His Mother’s Murder

After his Air Force career was interrupted by his mother’s untimely murder, Steven Moore returned home. Met with a cold reception of lies, secrets, and threats, he is determined to find Wanda’s killer, even at the cost of his own life. Was Wanda a victim of the legendary Hatchet Man? Was this loving and devoted mother killed because of her shady past, or for her inheritance? Between finding the truth and falling in love, Steven stops at nothing, to solve his mother’s murder.

The Other Couple’s Child

Charlotte had it all. A loving and devoted husband. Supportive family and friends, and a house full of beautiful children. Everything was perfect for this Super Mom, until a medical procedure turns her life upside down, and spirals into a child abduction case. Time is running out. Will police arrive in time to save Charlotte and the other couple’s child?

3381 Market Street

Katherine Sims, a young widow working for a brokerage firm in a small southeastern town, is tired of the excuses concerning Charlie’s absence. She knows something terrible must have happened to her favorite nephew with the sad blueeyes. After exposing the killer, Katherine’s life is turned upside down and she finds herself fighting for her life. Filled with maniacal suspects, a Satanic Cult, and danger around each corner, this story depicts one woman’s courage to avenge a child’s murder, while finding unexpected love.

The Tarot Card Murders

New detective, and ex-naval man, twenty-six-year-old Nick Difozzio, returns to his small county determined to abolish crime. Not until death knocked on his door, did he know the face of evil. Will the decorated veteran destroy the Lycanthropes, or will he succumb to their murderous desires and become one of them? He took an oath to protect, honor, and uphold the law, but can he defy the lust, riches, and power offered, or are the ‘dark forces’ stronger than his will?

Buy e-book at Amazon Kindle or Paperback at Lulu.

Excerpt from The Tarot Card Murders:

The Scene: Detective Nick Difozzio has been called to another bizarre murder scene, located in the abandoned industrial section of town.

An abrupt silence you could cut with a knife filled the room. “Shape-shifters?” said one from the group. “You mean like a Yeti turns into a deer to avoid those who track it. Or the Loch Ness monster turns into a log.”

After Ted and the others poked fun at his fantastic idea, Nick laid it out, “Not exactly. But certain creatures are believed to have shape-shifting powers of one sort or another, and what other possibility is there to explain these bizarre murders?”

“Well, we could have a psychopath lurkin’ around. Or a nutty drifter or escaped convict,” Ted said. “But it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand that, if shape-shifters do exist, they would be very elusive creatures, nearly impossible to detect and capture. What does take a lot of imagination, is believing in shape-shifters.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll see ya tomorrow,” Nick said. Once outside, he noticed the full moon, and wondered, who will die tonight? On reaching his vehicle, he discovered a surprise in his passenger seat.

“Denise, what’s going on?” he asked via the driver’s window.

With teeth white as snow, she said, “Well, sugar, I was thinkin’ about the last time you were at my house. You remember, when you cabbaged my safe contents so foolishly?”

With a chuckle, he nodded. “Honey, the only foolish thing I did that night was fail to realize the money in the safe was counterfeit. But I bet it’s all gone now.”

“And I bet you’re right,” she smiled. Just then, Denise’ partner in crime, twenty-two-year-old Wendy Goss, zapped the lawman with a stun gun from behind, dropping him like a hot potato.

Jumping from the vehicle, Denise removed Nick’s gun and cell phone, placing them under the seat. Afterward, both women placed him in the backseat. Getting behind the steering wheel of Nick’s car, Denise drove his Mustang, while Wendy followed in her Firebird.

Halfway to the destination spot, Nick regained consciousness. With his gun gone, he played dead, hoping to find the gang’s hangout. Soon both vehicles stopped. Denise exited the Ford then helped Wendy search the Firebird’s trunk, for items needed for Nick’s demise.

“Someone better keep an eye on the cop,” Wendy said.

“Don’t worry, that pig’s out cold,” Denise said, finding rope. Peering out the back window, Nick realized he was on an abandoned farm. Searching for landmarks, he memorized a foreclosure sign reading Stonewall Realty.

Uncertain if the girls were armed, Nick made the decision to strike now or never. Disabling his car’s dome light, he cautiously retreated from the backseat. As quiet as a mouse, he snuck up on the chattering women foraging for items to gag and bind him.

As soon as the murdering beauties were finished gathering their supplies, Denise slammed the trunk shut. Immediately Nick punched her between her baby blues, knocking her to the ground before turning on Wendy.

Struggling with the yellow-haired lady, who, like her partner, was trained in Judo, Nick swapped blows with the tall slender gal and encountered a high degree of skill. Then, recovering, Denise attacked him from behind with a blow to his ribs, bringing him to his knees. Both women struck like tigers from all sides.

Doing his best to avoid their most deadly kicks, Nick used every device not nailed down as a weapon against the feisty felines. First, his leather belt with the sterling silver buckle, then, a stray piece of firewood left behind by the homeowners. Across the parking area, the trio fought. Nick matched his street skills against the trained martial artists as each one fought for their own reasons.

The gallant cop battled for his life and self-respect, while the women fought for control over the detective representing the authority they loathed. Or perhaps, Denise and Wendy’s desire for domination extended to include the entire county, not just the town, thought Nick. Whatever the reason, they’re formidable.

Bruised and bleeding, the women fought until Nick broke Wendy’s arm. Seizing the opportunity to get away, she escaped in her vehicle leaving her comrade helpless and easily overpowered.

“Get off me, you bastard!” Denise screamed as Nick slammed her to the ground, cuffing her.

“You’re under arrest.” Wiping the blood from his lip, he threw her into his vehicle then drove to the local hospital. On the way there, Nick phoned headquarters, “I got one of the blood members. We’re on our way to the ER.”

Interview with JoAnne Myers:

1. When did you know you wanted to become a writer, why? That started when I was a child. I have always been able to write. Writing came easy to me so I enjoyed it.

2. Is this book part of a series? No it is not. This book is a collection of crime/mystery stories filled with intrigue, danger around every corner, unsuspecting love, with twist endings.

3. How do you find time to write in your daily life? Well, I live alone and don’t have small children anymore. I have a lot more time on my hands now, and I spent my days off writing and going through emails.

4. What character did you enjoy writing about the most? Probably the villains. They are so mean so that makes it easy to write about them. The hardest characters for me are the main characters, which are usually the good guys in my books. I want them to all have different personalities, likes, and dislikes, and of course, they are different in physical appearance.

5. If you could do something differently about writing one of your books, what would it be?

I think that would be my biography true crime The Crime of the Century. I would have chosen a different true crime to write about. This crime which occurred in 1982, and in my hometown of Logan, Ohio, is very controversial. I have taken some hits from locals who don’t believe the story should be written about, but it was and still is the worst and only double homicide in the county. It truly was “the crime of the century.” A crime that terrified residents, and destroyed families, and sent an innocent man to death row.

6. Are you currently working on something new? Yes, I am trying my hand at SyFy comedy. Right now the book is entitled, Invaded by 26 Planets.

4 Fun Facts… about JoAnne Myers:

1. My weaknesses are desserts. I have to force myself to stay clear of them.

2. I buy lottery tickets and I am convinced I will win big.

3. Whenever I see a coin with the head ‘up’ I make a wish.

4. When I was 5 years old, I wanted to be a pony. My mother had me convinced that if I ate magic hay, I could turn into a pony. I was devastated when I discovered grocery stores don’t sell magic hay.

Author Bio:JoAnne Myers

I hail from the famous Hocking Hills region of southeastern Ohio. I have worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I canvas paint. When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dog Jasmine, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill’s Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center.

I believe in family values and following your dreams. My original canvas paintings, can be found at:

Other books by JoAnne:

Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery
Wicked Intentions-7 bone chilling paranormal tales
The Crime of the Century-a biography true crime
Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between
Twisted Love-a biography true crime anthology
Loves, Myths, and Monsters-11 fantasy tales entwined within the human world

Contact JoAnne: or at < “″ target=”_blank”>

I enjoyed visiting with you today, JoAnne. I’m truly sorry about the lack if magic hay. Love that story. Hope you win big in the lottery some day.

And I have the same weakness when it comes to dessert. I love chocolate, and red velvet cake is a favorite treat.

What is your favorite dessert? JoAnne will be awarding two people who comment each a print book of their choice. Plus, everyone who leaves a comment or follows the blog will be entered to win a copy of Alliance: Stellar Romance, the prize for my September monthly drawing.


3 thoughts on “Interview of Author JoAnne Myers plus #4FunFacts

  1. Oh, I love crime and mystery stories. Agatha Christie is one of my idols in this genre and I dreamed to become as famous as she was, one day. We are all allowed to dream, aren’t we?
    Your books all sound interesting and should go to my TBR pile,JoAnne! I think you have found the “magic hay”, that is your magic pen, already.

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