Capri’s Fate by @DarylDevore a #fallingintolove Read #PNRblogfest

Author Daryl Devore is here today with an interview of Capril and Thrall, the hero and heroine of her erotic paranormal romance, Capri’s Fate. Welcome, Daryl.

Lyndi Lamont's Paranormal BlogfestHi everyone. So excited to be here. I brought along Capri and Thall from my erotic contemporary fantasy Capri’s Fate.

Capri, How did you first meet your writer?

She was sitting at her laptop wasting time on Facebook when I popped up, gave her a nudge and said, “You should be writing about me!”

If you could rewrite anything in your book, what would it be?

I have a few phobias and I really, really wish she hadn’t included those. I’m a Capricorn. We’re practical and focused. I’m also a corporate executive – very business minded. But still, she puts me on a private jet in a cyclone and then on a yacht and we gets us lost at sea. **sigh**

What are you proudest of?

I used to be proudest of my accomplishments. I’m 32 and made it to Junior Vice President in charge of Operations and was just promoted even higher up the chain. But now, I’m proudest of my love for Thall.

Thall, what do you do for a living?

I’m a Fate. Actually, I’m the seven hundred and sixteenth child of a Fate. Lachesis is my mother. We don’t have jobs like humans. We have people under our domains, so when someone says, “Let the Fates decide”, that’s when we go “to work”. Sadly no paycheck, but lots of job security.

What do you wear when you go to sleep?

Nothing. When I’m not in human form there is no need to wear clothes. Which I find extremely itchy. When I am human, I have to wear clothes. Seems you have this thing called indecency laws. But I still don’t sleep in anything because if I’m in human form that means Capri’s with me and there really isn’t a lot of sleeping going on.

What do you like most about where you live?

I exist in a different dimension that you humans do. Almost anything I want is there and all I need to do is think about it. I have been known to spend a lazy summer afternoon tossing a pebble into a brook, sitting under the Tree of Life. The only thing this world couldn’t provide for me was the woman I love, but we worked it out.

Capri's Fate coverBlurb – What’s a woman to do when a voice follows her home and makes mad, passionate love to her?

Corporate business woman, Capricious Gray, is dragged to a sex toy convention by her best friend. Once a shocking, mysterious disembodied voice helps her with her purchases, it follows her home. Passion ensues, leaving Capri torn between lust for her fantasy lover and the desperate need for reality in her life.

Thall, son of one of the Fates, harbors the irrepressible need to be with the woman he’s desired from afar for years. In order to make her his, once and for all, he must help Capri get past her fears, including the fear of what he represents – a fantasy.

Can fantasy become a reality for these two lovers?

Buy at Smashwords, All Romance eBook, and Amazon.


My erotic adventure began the minute he whispered, “Do you happen to own a pair of red, fuzzy handcuffs?”

Well okay, it didn’t exactly start there. If I’m going to be perfectly honest, I think it started with Kat’s text: “Meet me at – insert name of five-star restaurant here.”

Kat is always getting me to take her out for expensive dinners. I don’t mind, I’m a high paid executive, in a very large corporation, while she’s a receptionist in a small dental office. Besides, I like good food and her company.

Kat and I have been BFFs since third grade. We were in each other’s wedding parties, and cried on each other’s shoulders at our subsequent divorces. Now, we’re each other’s go to person whenever the mood strikes. Obviously, the mood struck and it involved my credit card. I texted back a reply –”Xavier’s. 6 pm.”

~ * * ~

Kat waited outside the restaurant when my cab pulled up to the curb. “Timing or what? I just got here.”

After the requisite cheek kiss we stepped up to the Maitre D’. He smiled his, I-must-be-friendly-because-they’re-guests, smile and escorted us to our table. We ordered drinks and chatted. We talked about the weather, her new dress, my job—you know, just old—no, scratch old, put longtime—girlfriend stuff.

After a diet conscious meal, followed by a calorie-loaded dessert, we waited outside for a taxi.

“Do you trust me?” With a goofy grin on her face, Kat’s dark chocolate, mellowed-from-too-much-wine, eyes gazed at me.

Having seen that innocent demeanor before; it meant nothing but trouble. I was a bit wary. Okay, a lot wary! The last time she’d gawked at me like that and asked the same brainless question, we ended up at a frat house beer slosh during Homecoming and I wasn’t in college anymore.

A cab pulled up and stopped. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into it. “Convention Center.”

I slid next to her and shut the car door. “What’s at the convention center?”

“That’s the trust me bit.” She raised her hands and flicked two fingers up and down at the words “trust me”.

You have to love air-quotes.

I checked my Blackberry for messages then glanced at her. “Is this going to get me arrested? Again?”

She shook her head.

“Is it going to get me hit on—again—by horny, beer-soaked, college drunks?”

Kat giggled.

“Is that a yes or a no?”

Author Bio – Daryl Devore lives in an in old farmhouse in Ontario Canada, with her husband, two cats, a large salt water aquarium full of fish and some ghosts. Her daughter is grown and has flown the nest. Daryl loves to take long walks up her quiet country road, or snow shoe across the back acres and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, been deep in the ocean in a submarine and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life’s an adventure and Daryl’s having fun living it.

Where to find me –

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Google+ – Daryl Devore

Thanks, Daryl. I enjoyed the interview.

Leave a comment for Daryl below, and yse the Rafflecopter form below to enter the drawing for this month’s special giveaway, a Halloween basket with autographed books, candy, Halloween socks and assorted author swag.

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12 thoughts on “Capri’s Fate by @DarylDevore a #fallingintolove Read #PNRblogfest

  1. I always love learning more about you. When you figure out how we can not work and still get paid, as well as becoming a clone to do all the dirty work… let me know. Until then, I’ll just curl up with one of your great books!

  2. Pingback: Presenting Lyndi Lamont’s Paranormal Blogfest #PNRblogfest | Linda McLaughlin/Lyndi Lamont

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