Romantic Suspense author Jacquie Biggar is in the spotlight this Sunday with an interview a look at her newest release, Tidal Falls.
Jacquie owned and operated a restaurant in her hometown of Edson Alberta for thirteen years before moving west to Victoria to take care of her grandson and pursue her dream of becoming a writer. She joined Romance Writers of America, Kiss of Death—an online suspense group, and a local chapter, VIC-RWA, of which she currently holds the position of secretary.
Do you outline your books or wing it? Describe your process.
I’m what’s known as a pantser, in other words I wing it. I get my ideas from current events and from there I build my character’s world.
How do you decide on setting?
The setting was the easy part. I love the west coast and small towns, so I made that an integral part of my story.
What genre(s) do you write in? Why?
I’ve always loved romance and dreamed of one day writing for Harlequin—still working on that—and suspense books keep me turning the pages, so it was a natural fit.
What is your favorite part of writing?
When you get that scene in your head and everything flows from the fingers to the keyboard, almost without thought. Love that.
What is your least favorite part of writing?
I’d have to say editing. I go over the same words so many times it can be frustrating.
Some writers edit excessively as they write; others wait until a novel is finished to do the bulk of editing. How about you?
I edit as I go. I’m compulsive, and can’t seem to leave it alone.
What’s the strangest thing you have ever done in the name of research?
Online searches for drug-running and human trafficking in Iraq and Mexico. I expected to be flagged by the CIA at any time,
E-books, print, or both? Any preferences? Why?
For myself I prefer e-books, but I know a lot of people like print so I’ve gone with both for my novel. And let’s face it, there’s nothing like holding a book you wrote in your hands.
Please tell us your experiences with social media. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of it?
I love social media. It’s an amazing way to make friends with people from all over the globe. That being said, I’ve found since I opened an author page on Facebook, I’m getting lots of strange, “Hi, I’d like to get to know you better,” messages I could do without.
What do you read? Do you read different genres when you’re writing versus not writing?
I read a wide variety within the romance genre. Romantic Suspense-Iris Johansen, Suzanne Brockmann, Comedy-Jennifer Crusie, Paranormal-J.R.Ward, YA-Jodie Esch, Lisa Lange.
For more about Jacquie Biggar check out her website and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.
Here is a blurb from her novel, Tidal Falls, released Sept 15, 2014.
Sara Reed is on the run from an abusive ex who happens to have ties to a Mexican cartel. Mistakenly thinking her and her daughter would be safer if she had some kind of leverage, she takes a copy of some valuable files, files that make her a target.
Nick Kelley is an ex-marine trying to find his place now that his career is over due to injuries suffered from an IED. When the two of them meet in the pretty little town of Tidal Falls, the experience is explosive.
Available at Amazon.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for having me as a guest on your blog today.
Man girl you get around! Just stopped by for support so very proud of you! Amazing writing in this book
Thanks for dropping by, Ethel.
Hi Ethel,
Yeah, that’s part of the fun with self-publishing, you need to peddle your wares, lol.
Happy to have you, Jacquie. Good luck with your new release.
Sounds like a great read!
Hi D’Ann, thanks, I appreciate you stopping by,
I’m currently working on book #2 in the Wounded Hearts series, Jared. I hope to have it available early spring 2015.
Good interview, Jacquie. I feel I know you!! Glad the book is doing so well.
Thanks Anna,
I can safely say any success I may have is do in large part to my fantastic critique partners, (wink)
Hi Jacquie, just dropped by to lend you moral support. I wish you all the best.
Thanks for lending your support, JoAnne, Anna & D’Ann.
Hi JoAnne,
Thanks for your great support, much appreciated.
What a beautiful cover! I love learning more about my author friends. All the best!
Hi Melissa, thank you for your kind comments
I agree, blogs are a great way to get to know some of our favorite authors.
Jacquie is an unbelievably great supporter and she writes so well – hope you’re working on the next book soon
Hi Mimi,
Thanks for stopping by and the kind comments. Yes, I’m working on the second book in the series now titled, Jared. And speaking of great supporters, THANK YOU
Hi Jacquie
Great post. Tidal Falls sounds like an amazing place. I’m thinking creating your own world mast have been fun.
Hi Pat,
I sometimes think that’s the best part about writing, we get to make our fictional world just as perfect as we dream about, lol
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Jacquie,
Great blog, I like your writing style, it sounds like it flows easily yet I’m sure it’s a lot of work. If by perfect you mean, if anything can go wrong it will, then you describe the best books going.
Exactly Sylvie,
I think that’s why we love those books so much. Everything that can go wrong usually does, yet in the end the good beats out the bad in whatever genre you write. Thanks for stopping by,
Super to hear that you’re working hard on your second book! Bravo on the success of your first!
Hi Jodie,
Thank you so much! Now that I’ve overcome a few of the learning hurdles with writing the first book (namely my deplorable punctuation, lol) I’m finding the second book is flowing a lot easier, thank God
Looks like an exciting read! Best of luck with it and the second book too!
Hi Reggi,
Thank you for the warm wishes, much appreciated
Hi, Jacquie, just dropping by to give you two thumbs up on your debut novel.
Hi Patti,
I think that’s one of the best things about this writing journey; the many wonderful new friends I’ve gained.
Thanks so much
I hear you, Jacquie. The writing community is full of wonderful, generous people.