Resurrection of Artemis by @IzzySzyn #BlogTour

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Welcome Izzy Szyn, author of Resurrection of Artemis. Izzy will be awarding a $10 Amazon gift card to one randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. You may find those locations here.


Resurrection of Artemis book coverBLURB:

Once known as the infamous hacker Artemis, Amy Wilson now works in a coffee shop. With only months until the end of her probation from working in the technological industry that she loves, Amy is determined to keep Artemis dead and buried.

When incidents similar to the ones Amy did start occurring all fingers start pointing in Artemis’ direction, and three people that want Artemis to come out of retirement.

Quail City’s super heroes Dark Master and Calypso aka as multi-billionaire Noah Adams and his assistant Vanessa London know Amy’s secret, and also know that she is being set up. Having spent months in a flirtmance with Amy, they are tired of waiting and want both her and Artemis in their bed.

Hinderer wants to hold technology hostage, but in order to do that he needs Artemis’ assistance, and he will use any methods necessary to gain her cooperation.

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“Amy? Turn on your TV, now,” urged Ruby.

“Why? What’s going on?” Amy grabbed her remote and turned on her favorite news station.

“Are you sure you were at work?” questioned Ruby.

“Is Artemis back? That’s the question authorities are asking this evening, when money started shooting money from ATMs across Quail City,” the news reporter was saying.

“Mom, I swear I didn’t do it,” Amy defended herself.

“I believe you. But will the authorities? Or even worse, your father?” Ruby sounded worried. “This almost looks like what you used to do. You just might be seeing Dark Master and Calypso sooner than you think.”

“I wonder if that’s the intention of whoever is behind this?” asked Amy. “What if they’re trying to pin the blame on me? Divert everyone’s attentions in my direction, while having something even more sinister in mind? Maybe that’s why they showed up at the coffee shop?”

“I’ve thought about that, too,” Ruby admitted. “But why? More importantly, who?”

Amy’s stomach flipped when there was a knock on the door. Telling herself that it could be the pizza guy, but knowing in her heart that it was no doubt them. They were here, at her door. About to undo everything she’d accomplished in the shower. “Mom, someone’s at my door.”

Author Izzy SzynAuthor Info:

New York Times Bestselling Author Izzy Szyn was born in May of 2014 when a friend dared her to write. Born and raised in Detroit, Mi. Izzy now lives in Oklahoma City with her furchild Misty, the friendliest Chihuahua/Terrier you will ever meet. Currently works in a call center, where she writes in between phone calls.

Izzy loves to keep in touch with her readers. Email her at

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click the link below to reach the Rafflecopter entry for a chance to win the $10 Amazon gift card.



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