Today’s Sunday Snippet is from my “Eastern” Western, Rogue’s Hostage, set during the French and Indian War. At the time, the frontier ran through western Pennsylvania, including the Pittsburgh area where I grew up, former site of the French Fort Duquesne, which plays a prominent part in the story. Swiss immigrant, Mara Dupre, has been taken captive by a French and Indian War Party after her husband’s death.
The Frenchman turned her toward him, holding her by the shoulders, and spoke in an insistent voice. “Listen to me and be sensible. You must be strong now. We have a long journey ahead of us.”
Dazed, she stared at him. “A journey? To where?”
“Fort Duquesne.”
Mara gasped. The dreaded enemy stronghold deep in the wilderness. She struggled to get free, clawing at his powerful arms.
He gripped her tighter, grimacing as he did. “Stop it! What chance do you think you have against three men? Do as I say and you will live. Refuse and…” He let the implication hang in the air between them.
Live. Yes, that was what she must do. She must bide her time and stay alive. Her brother would find her and exact revenge. But for now, she was on her own.
She straightened her spine and stared into the Frenchman’s eyes. “How do I know I can trust you, monsieur?”
He met her gaze, but a shadow darkened his eyes. “You have my word of honor.”
Bitterness filled her. “The word of a Frenchman? What is that worth?”
“For the moment, madame, your life.”
Rogue’s Hostage is the book of my heart, the one that grabbed hold of me and wouldn’t let go until I published it. And this week, the book is on a Kindle Countdown Deal for 99 cents at and
You can find more great snippets at the Sunday Snippet Facebook Group.
What a last line. Enjoyed the snippet!
Just bought it. I love this time period. I also grew up (and still live) in southwestern PA. Not many stories are set during the F and I war. I’d venture to say that if you didn’t grow up in an area that was impacted by the F and I war, you probably don’t know much about it. Bushy Run battlefield is an interesting place despite precious little remaining. The volunteers give great walking tours. Good snippet.
Thanks, Teresa. I remember touring Fort Necessity many years ago. Also the Fort Pitt blockhouse.
Well, he makes a good point.
He does.