Marooned With A Sexy Pirate #MFRWhooks #MFRWauthor

MFRW Authors Blog

Today I’m sharing a seven-sentence snippet from my sexy pirate short story, Marooned, for MFRW BookHooks!

Marooned cover
Opening lines:

“We should kill the witch before she harms us,” Kitty whined. “It would serve her right.”

Heather bit back a gasp and pressed her ear closer to the crack in the cabin wall.

Roger let out a sigh. “Not yet. I need her as my wife until my position is established. Once I am master of the plantation, and have my own people in key positions, sweet Heather can disappear and you will be the new Mrs. Parnell.”


Heather Parnell is traveling from England to her home in Jamaica with her new husband, Roger, a man she detests. She performs a banishing spell with unintended consequences. When their ship is attacked by pirates, Roger is killed. Heather, disguised as a boy, joins the pirate crew.

Pirate captain Adam Langworth suspects there is something odd about the new lad. When he discovers she is a woman, she begs him to keep her secret, a violation of the ships’ articles. He agrees, but when her identity is discovered, Adam and Heather find themselves marooned on a deserted island with nothing to do for the rest of their lives but make love.

How will they get out of that predicament?

I’m pleased to report that Marooned is currently on sale at Smashwords. Use coupon code SW100 at checkout. Also available at the following retailers for 99 cents: Amazon,
BN/Nook, iBooks and Kobo.

Do you enjoy pirate stories? Leave a comment to be entered for my monthly drawing for a $15 Starbucks e-gift card.


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Pursuit of Happiness: Freedom to Live, Love and Read

Freedom hop badge

Update: My thanks to everyone who stopped by and commented during the blog hop. And congratulations to Brandi L. who won the $15 gift card!

At this time of year, we Americans celebrate our Independence Day, the day the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence, declaring that people had inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which to me includes the freedom to read and think as I want. Welcome to the Freedom Blog Hop!

Some years ago I spent a week in Philadelphia and got to roam the streets of the historic area and visit Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and some of the old colonial homes. It was fascinating and my head was spinning with story ideas. I wrote a Revolutionary War spy story, and I’m working on revising for reissue later this year.

Independence Hall, Philadelphia

Independence Hall

The e-book revolution has given us more opportunities to read than ever. After all, we can carry a library in our smart phone or digital tablet! And thanks to e-books, we have boxed-sets of 5-12 books, all in one digital file.

Last year, I participated in the Romance Super Bundle, ten full-length romance books in one big sampler from ten different authors, all for 99 cents. We’ve since sold over 100,000 copies.

Now, we have Romance Super Bundle II: Second Chances, now at All Romance eBooks, Amazon, BN/Nook, Kobo and Smashwords. Coming soon to iBooks & other retailers.

Romance Super Bundle II: Second ChancesFeaturing NY Times, USA Today, Amazon & B&N bestselling authors!

A lonesome cowboy, a heartbroken widower, a spurned bride-to-be, an unexpected pregnancy, intrigue, murder and more…485,000 words/nearly 2000 pages of heroes and heroines in need of second chances in eleven romantic stories.

Genres: Romantic Suspense, Contemporary, Paranormal & Historical Romance

Don’t miss our big Facebook Launch Party on July 14! Stop by between 8AM & 6PM or camp out all day and chat with all the authors. Bring a cold drink and your party hat; we’ll bring the fun and the prizes!

What do you like to read? Let me know in a comment to be entered for a $15.00 Amazon gift card (US only) as it will be sent via snail mail. Must support the US Postal Service on this patriotic weekend. If you follow the blog, let me know for a second chance to win. All comments go in the pot for the monthly blog drawing for a $15.00 Starbucks e-gift card (international).

Happy Fourth of July!

Linda McLaughlin w/a Lyndi Lamont

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