The Challenge Graphic Novel by @KimHeadlee #newrelease

Author Kim Headlee is excited about her new release, a graphic novel:
The Challenge, episode 1: Dilemmas & Deliberation.

Challenge Part 1The gauntlet is thrown.
One must die.
Refusal is not an option.

Challenge 1 coverThe Challenge
Graphic Novel Episode 1: Dilemmas and Deliberation

A Dragon’s Dove Chronicles Novella
Story by Kim Headlee
Art and Storyboard by Wendy Carey

Arthur the High King is captive of Gyan’s longtime enemy, the Saxon warrior-princess Camilla, who through the black arts may have enlisted a demon to aid in attaining her revenge. Though the passion that had colored the early years of Gyan’s marriage to Arthur was still celebrated in song across the land, myriad problems had driven a wedge between them. These days, Gyan wasn’t singing.

When Camilla issues her challenge for a to-the-death fight for crown and king, Gyan’s duty, loyalty, and honor are put to the test.

She can forfeit the duel, her crown… and the joyless life that crown has come to represent. Or she can risk her life and perhaps her very soul for the sake of a man who may no longer love her.

Gyan’s first challenge lies in determining the right path to take.

On sale now via Amazon!


Kim is running a giveaway for an e-copy of Dawnflight!
To enter, click HERE.

Are you a graphic novel fan? I’ve only read a few, but I did enjoy them.


Book Review Club: You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day

FD-NeverWeirdYou’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
by Felicia Day
Touchstone, Aug. 2015
Memoir, Humor
Goodreads Best Humor of 2015
Amazon Best Humor and Audio of 2015

I borrowed this from my local library’s downloadable books. Felicia Day is an actress and Internet personality. I knew who she was because she had a two-season arc as a young scientist on Eureka, a sci-fi show I used to watch, and I thought she was very cute. She also has a recurring part in Supernatural, which I don’t watch.

Her memoir is pretty interesting and often quite funny. She grew up in the South and was mostly homeschooled “for hippie reasons” only her mom wasn’t a very diligent home schooler and the kids mostly got to read whatever they wanted. But she did insist on violin lessons for Felicia, which got her the offer of a violin scholarship to UT Austin when she was only 16. She took the SAT after doing about 100 practice tests from the test book she borrowed at the library and got a high score on the test and an acceptance at UT, despite not having a high school diploma, so she’s obviously very smart. She went on the graduate at the age of 20 with a double major in music and mathematics. To Felicia’s disappointment, her family moved to Austin and Mom drove her to class for four years. So much for independence.

After college, she went to Hollywood to become a not-so-successful actress. Being homeschooled meant she grew up without a lot of friends, until Internet gaming started in the 1990s and she found kindred souls playing video games. She was a pioneer in online TV with a series called The Guild about, you guessed it, a bunch of gamers. She talks mostly about the Internet, including the famous Gamergate controversy.

Though I was a little disappointed that her experiences on Eureka were barely mentioned, overall I enjoyed the book.

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