Meet Electra Yellowsmith from History Talks! Author Xina Marie Uhl’s Antarctic #romance

Xina Marie Uhl is here today to tell us more about the heroine of All Mouth and No Trousers: A Sweet Romance (An Icebound Tale) set in the exotic locale of Antarctica.

Loving Historical Romance graphicBut before we start the interview, mark your calendars for Monday, Feb. 8th at 6:30PM! Xina, Autumn Bardo, Zenobia Neal and I will be doing a free panel discussion on Loving Historical Romance for the Santa Clarita Public Library. Click here to register for this fun event. Blogger Erin Davies will moderate. Click on the event under Feb. 8th to register.

Electra YellowsmithLM: Xina, tell us about Eletra Yellowsmith.

XU: Electa Yellowsmith, a self-possessed, smart-mouthed secretary on the British Antarctic Base. She’s beautiful and well aware of her effect on men, and she uses that to her advantage. She’s also quite choosy, and knows just what she wants: the blustery, recently divorced, utterly clueless commandant.

LM: What are her greatest strengths?

XU: Persistence and cleverness. Once she knows what she wants she zeroes in on accomplishing her goals. That doesn’t mean she’s always successful, though.

LM: What are her greatest weaknesses?

XU: She can come off as haughty in order to keep herself from being hurt. It’s not easy for her to be vulnerable, and putting her heart on the line doesn’t come natural.

LM: What are some of her favorite foods?

XU: Champagne, caviar, and shortbread biscuits.

LM: Sounds good to me! Will readers like or dislike this character, and why?

It depends on which of the Icebound tales they read. According to the main character in Whiter Pastures, she’s not sympathetic, but that’s okay since she has a minor role there. She’s a main character in All Mouth and No Trousers, and as such she’s amusing and interesting to read about.

LM: What first gave you the idea for the Icebound stories: Whiter Pastures and All Mouth and No Trousers?

XU: A combination of factors: my love of explorer stories, fascination with the Antarctic, desire to make people laugh, and coming across this article: 106 of the Least Popular Baby Names in American History (I’m determined to write stories in which I name my characters each of these).

LM: LOL, that’s a lot of names! I’ll have to check out the article. What do you like best about Icebound stories?

XU: They are fun despite the rather grim history of Antarctica. I love to write about quirky people and these characters have unlikely adventures which makes them even more fun.

Two romantic novellas in the Icebound series, an ongoing collection of polar delights.

Behold dogsleds and penguins.

Howling winds and cold, pitiless wastes.

This is Antarctica, where the intrepid inhabitants of the frozen ends of the earth battle the terrain, and each other, to find love—in a past much like that of the early 1900s.

Whiter Pastures coverReluctant spinster Florance Barton fled to the British Antarctic base to escape a scandalous love affair. Amidst the handful of other women there, Florance is the perfect chambermaid, meek, mild, and forgettable. No one has a clue that she’s also a novice spy.

When handsome young Handy McHanagan arrives at the base, he sets everyone agog. He’s charming, artistic, and … an accomplished gardener. His arrival may be a mistake on the part of naval command. Or is it something more sinister?

Killer seals and subzero ice storms and aren’t the only danger in Antarctica: a enemy spy is on the loose. Florance has been ordered to choose between queen and country and her heart. Because penguin is off the menu now–and murder is its replacement.

All Mouth cover

Amidst the scientists and explorers at the British Antarctic base in 1900 there are a few women who serve as maids, cooks, and nurses.

Then there’s Electa Yellowsmith.

The beautiful blonde secretary has no problem attracting male attention, but she’s got her eye set on Commander Gorge Elderbatch. He may yell like a longshoreman and drink like a fish, but Electa likes the cut of his jib, and the idea of being an officer’s wife.

Gorge has enough trouble with ice crevasses, blizzard forecasts, and upcoming polar expeditions without his smart-mouthed secretary defying him at every turn. What could a looker like her want with a grump like him, anyhow? Especially since he’s sworn off women after his disastrous divorce.

Gorge may be as dense as an iceberg, but Electa hasn’t yet met a man she couldn’t charm. Though if that doesn’t work she has plenty of schemes that just might. The result is a comedy of errors and explosions in a frostbitten frontier.

Buy Links:

All Mouth and No Trousers:

Whiter Pastures:

Author Details

Amazon Author Page:

Newsletter signup link (Includes a free short story when you sign up)

Other books published:

The Cats’ Guide to Human Behavior:
The King’s Champion:
Lady Law and the Texas DeRangers:

Xina, thanks for visiting! See you on the 8th.

Linda McLaughlin

Snuggle Up with Lily and the Gambler #WesternRomance

I’m thrilled to be a part of N. N. Light’s Book Heaven Snuggle Up With These Books Readathon. My book, Lily and the Gambler, is featured on Monday, November 25. Find the post here:

Lily and the Gambler coverLily and the Gambler
by Linda McLaughlin
Sensual Western Romance

Respectability is in the eye of the beholder, or so Lily hopes. After her lover’s death she pretends to be his widow and travels to California to marry a mine owner. Then she meets King Callaway, a charming gambler.

King knows he’s found his Queen of Hearts. But can he convince her to take a chance on a foot-loose card sharp?

Only Lady Luck knows for sure…

Here’s an interview with Lily’s reluctant hero, gambler King Callaway.

LM: King, you say you’re not a marrying man. Why not?

Shrugs. I’m just not.

LM: Come on, you can do better than that. Why not?

 I like being free.

LM: Free of what?

Fear, worry, disappointment.

LM: Would you care to explain?

I saw how my mother worried every time my father took off for parts unknown, looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. How fearful she was that he wouldn’t return. How disappointed she was when he returned broke and discouraged. And how hurt she was when he left again.

LM: Ah, so your concern is that you would be like him, a disappointment to a wife.

Me? No, I’m not like him!

LM: Aren’t you?

Dagnabbit. <grumbles some more> All right, I’m a bit like him. I like my freedom, don’t want to be tied down, and what woman would want to deal with that?

LM: You might be surprised. Lily seems to be more adventurous than your mother.

Hm. You may be right. But I’d have to marry her to find out.

Or will he? Read Lily and the Gambler to find out!

Available at Amazon Kindle, BN/Nook,, Kobo and Smashwords.

Give thanks for books and authors all month long at N. N. Light’s Book Heaven’s Snuggle Up With These Books Readathon. 56 books, 32 bestselling and award-winning authors, 5 Amazon/B&N gift cards plus authors share what they’re thankful for this year. I even share my grateful thoughts. Join in the fun!

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