Tomorrow morning, thousands of people will converge on Stonehenge to view the sunrise on the Autumnal Equinox, hence today’s Tuesday Travels. Some of tomorrow’s visitors will be modern pagans, perhaps dressed in Druid costumes, while others are tourists. I’m sure it will be a wonderful day for all.
My friend Linda Prine and I decided Stonehenge was on the top of our “must see” list when we were in London back in early July. We were unable to get on one of the private access tours that let you walk among the stones, either early in the morning or in the evening, after closing. So we opted for a regular half-day tour which ended up being a bit longer than planned. (Traffic was awful in both directions.) Since I only had my disposable camera, I have once again resorted to stock images.
We drove through rain to get there, but it quit shortly after we arrived, though the weather was chilly and windy still. We were happy to have brought our rain jackets.
The stones are amazing, stuck up in the middle of a plain, for what purpose, no one knows. We may never solve the mysteries of Stonehenge. What purpose did it serve? How on earth did the builders move those huge stones without modern equipment?
We had worried that the fence to keep visitors at a distance would be obnoxious and block any attempts at taking photos, but we were pleased to see that there’s a path around the stones with a low slung wire to trip anyone who strays off the path.
That’s just as well. Linda is a big Outlander fan, and I know she would have tried to go back in time, leaving me to explain to her husband how I managed to lose her at Stonehenge. But we encountered no paranormal activity at the site that morning. Not sure whether to be disappointed or relieved. Maybe someone will have better luck tomorrow at the Equinox.
Welcome, Autumn! Can we please have some cooler weather now?