Beautiful vector watercolor illustration of Aries constellation © ZeninaAsya
Spring began at 3:28AM, Pacific Time, today March 20, as the sun moved into the zodiacal sign of Aries. This is the beginning of the astrological year, so Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. (Back in the old days, they calculated the year from vernal equinox until the next vernal equinox.)
As such, Aries is considered the “baby” of all the signs. It’s the one that represents individualism and ego. People born under this sign are sometimes thought to be self-centered, just as the infant thinks himself the center of the universe, as he or she indeed is. Personally, I don’t think people born under the sign of Aries are any more infantile or self-centered than other signs, but maybe I’m biased since this is my sun sign. Aries isn’t the only one who likes to be the center of attention, right, Leo? Hm, maybe that’s why my cousin Beverly and I didn’t get along as children. (She’s a Leo.)
Aries’s symbol is the Ram, its ruler is Mars, and it’s a cardinal fire sign, so there’s often nothing subtle about Aries, and women born under this sign are no exception. Consider Joan Crawford and Bette Davis. It’s also interesting that the actresses who played Xena and Buffy the Vampire Slayer are both Aries. People born under the sign do kind of tend to go after what they want in a single-minded, head down, look out kind of way. It’s a good thing the Ram has strong horns. Aries people can be headstrong, impulsive, and hot-tempered, but also warm-hearted, generous and idealistic.

Aries astrological sign. Vector illustration with portrait of a redhead girl © vgorbash
Famous people born under the sign of Aries include Otto Von Bismark, Marlon Brando, Charlie Chaplin, Russell Crowe, Sarah Michelle Geller, Harry Houdini, Thomas Jefferson, Ahley Judd, Lucy Lawless, Clare Booth Luce, Nikita Khrushev, Eugene McCarthy, Andrew Mellon, J. P. Morgan, Gloria Swanson, Vincent Van Gogh, Werner Von Braun and Tennessee Williams.
Is there an Aries in your life?
Most people don’t know that I used to be a serious student of astrology, and I still find it interesting. I used to do a monthly astrology post at my other blog, and I think I’ll resurrect it here. Watch for Taurus next month!